Brevity is the width of soul.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


It's Subliminals' only product. It's their runaway hit. It's the most unique cellphone in the world: one that lets you talk to yourself. It's better than therapy. It's bigger than the iPod was. It works. And you can get it for free, because it's ad-supported.


Anonymous said...


I do like your writings.

I think you've missed an apostrophe after the second word, though.

Happy New Year. I hope it goes well for you.

-- Maire

Meg said...

Wait, what about LJ? didn't they sue It?

Also? <3 you. See you soon, honey.

Marcelo said...

Maire, thanks for catching that one!

Marcelo said...


:P and <3, much!

Hope to see you soon.