Brevity is the width of soul.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

De Rerum Natura

She's beautiful, yes. But there's more than that.

"Beautiful" doesn't say anything about the way her eyes light up with joy when they meet yours. How her smile is always comfortable and easy, necessary and offhand, like telling your problems to your best friend. How her body and face are imperfect in precisely the right way to make it easy to imagine her over the breakfast table, her still mussed hair falling over smiling eyes.

This is why fashion designers pay lots of money for your work. Other specialists can also create beautiful digital models; actually, it has been years since live models were last used. They just couldn't compete.

But you are the only one who creates digital models people can fall in love with.

This is also why fashion designers have to pay lots of money for you to accept to work.

Your heart breaks every time.



razorsmile said...

Ergo, what we really want is ... really *hot* "soccer moms"?

Works for me :)

Anonymous said...

Nice touch on the symmetry… delightful the artist fall in love with its achievement, the essence of all masterpieces