Brevity is the width of soul.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Boy Who Lied To His Dog

The night of his sixth birthday a dream told Tony that his parents were aliens. It made sense.

But Tony was a smart kid; he sought and obtained proof, not letting anybody -neither his parents nor his dreams- know what he knew, or even that he did. He lived in the monsters' house, learning their secrets, keeping his own, intercepting their messages and trusting no-one. None of his teachers, none of his friends, not even his dog suspected anything was off. He didn't even write about this in his diary, because the aliens were crafty, and discovery would be death.

He kept this up for six years.

The night of his twelfth birthday a dream told him that it had all been a test, and when he woke up the people in his dream were in his room. It had all been training. He was going to be an spy.

Tony smiled and nodded, and didn't believe a word.



Meg said...

love you, hate you, not much difference. Also I want to go to sleep, and suddenly everyone posted awesome things. Hate you all.

Anonymous said...

Good God. They have no idea what they've unleashed, do they?